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Autism: Medical Professions View

12). During childhood, autistic children may fall behind their same-aged peers and dysfunctional behaviors may start to appear, such as self-stimulatory behaviors (rocking and hand-flapping), self-injury (hand-biting and head banging), sleeping and eating problems, poor eye-contact, and insensitivity to pain, hyper/hypo-activity, and attention deficits (Autism.Org, 1999). Cognitively, many autistic individuals do not realize that others may have different thoughts, plans and perspectives than their own. They may have a narrow or focused attention span that allows them to focus only on one aspect of an object, such as color rather than shape (Autism.Org, 1999). This profession also states that about 10% of autistic individuals have savant skills. This is defined as an ability which is considered remarkable by most standards. These skills are often spatial in nature, such as music or art. .
             According to the medical profession, there is no known unique cause of autism, but there is evidence that autism can be caused by a variety of problems (Autism.Org, 1999). There is some indication of a genetic influence, however many researchers speculate that three to five genes will likely be associated with autism. There is also evidence that this genetic link may be a weakened immune system. Still other research has shown that depression and or dyslexia are common when autism is present (Autism.Org, 1999). While many theories exist, the medical community has not come to a consensus regarding autisms cause.
             They have, however, found that many autistic individuals have elevated levels of serotonin in their blood and cerebral spinal fluid and some have elevated levels of beta-endorphins, an endogenous opiate-like substance in the body (Autism.Org, 1999). .
             Even though the medical profession has not agreed on any concrete causes of autism, there are some interventions they suggest in order to "reduce autistic behaviors and to increase appropriate behaviors- (Autism.

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