"They [rap artists] want their lyrics to reflect the lives they witness. Some of them live the lives they rap about" ("More-Responsible" 20).
Works Cited.
Teachout, Terry. "Compare the Influence of Rap Music to That of Rock and Roll Music on Pop Culture in the U.S." National Review Inc. 22 Feb. 1999: 51.14. (EBSCOhost).
"Fresh Prince Sings Praises of Clean Rap." The Buffalo News 23 Nov. 1997, final ed. :17A. (EBSCOhost).
"More-Responsible Rap." Christian Science Monitor 30 Sept. 1996: 88.20. (EBSCOhost).
Collins, Glen. "Rap Music, Brash and Swaggering, Enters Mainstream." The New York Times 29 Aug. 1988, late city final ed. :C15. (Lexisi-Nexis) .
Kinnon, Joy. "Does Rap Have a Future"? Ebony June 1997: 76. (Lexis-Nexis).
Williams, Terri. "Teens Favor Hip-Hop Despite Rap: Study Says Youths Look Up to Rap Artists." The Houston Chronicle 14 June 1992, 2 star ed. :C1. (Lexis-Nexis).
In this day-in-age, virtually every household has a television set. It is easy, sometimes without thought, to sit down, turn on the TV, and believe everything seen. This is a problem that no one realizes, but happens everyday. Taking for granted one has the world at fingertip's reach is not the problem. The problem lies underneath, where the stories are told through eyes that are controlled by what they believe the public should and should not see.
With the television "boom" in the 1950's, American people began to view the world around them in a very different light. People began to see, in detail, the life-shaping events that in the past, they had only heard about. By the late 1950's to the early 1960's, a lot of families in America had television sets; it was a decade that created a milestone in television broadcasting. As in the past, entertainment was still an important aspect of television, but for the first time, television began to reflect the turmoil that marked American life. In a time of inequality, war and degradation, and a corrupt government, television functioned as the vehicle that brought the "real" world home to millions of citizens.