You hear a scream upstairs and as you run back up the stairs you see a man stabbing your significant other. In a fit of rage and of defending yourself you slam the bat into the back of his head and kill him instantly.
Some say that killing is always wrong, no matter what. Is it truly wrong in this case? Out of defense you have killed a man. You were trying to protect your family. Some people would say yes, it is not your choice to take some one's life. In our culture it is acceptable to say that killing another human being is morally "wrong."" Is it wrong in this particular case?.
Your driving down the highway when all of a sudden a piece of trash gets stuck to the window, you can't see and in that split second you wreck. You go into a coma for five years. Your husband loves you so much that he keeps you in medical care during the five years. While you are "asleep,"" he makes bad decisions and messes around on his wife. .
Now given the circumstances was it wrong for him to cheat on his wife. The doctors told him that he would probably never see his wife recover. He met some one else and things happened. Some say that this is wrong and some say it is acceptable.
See there are many flaws with the doctrine of absolute moral principles. In my opinion these scenarios and in our reality of what we call life, it is all relative. It is very hard to say that with an absolute way of thinking there are no flaws, because under any certain circumstance you could change your views.
2. Use the example of "female circumcision- or a similar example to critically discuss cultural relativism.
"What's right for you is not right for me, and what's right for me is not right for you."" This is the exact concept that applies. Here in America we look at female circumcision and shun it. However in other countries it is looked at as a way of life and is very common. In their culture it is a means of keeping the women pure.