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Ecommerce Companies And Stock

B2C eCommerce has the following positive attributes for consumers:
             • Consumers can access product and service information quickly and efficiently
             • Browsing, ordering and purchasing are virtual and therefore expedited
             • Informational asymmetries are broken down and markets are more efficient and competitive
             • Time saving allows more time for leisure activities B2C eCommerce has the following positive attributes for businesses:
             • Companies can gather information about their customers easily
             • Based on better consumer profiles and information systems, companies can engage in market micro-segmentation
             • Costs can be reduced due to less brick and mortar rental and construction expenses, less SG&A, fewer print ads, more focused marketing efforts, better defined advertising, and potentially lower inventory holding costs based on augmented demand predictability
             • Companies can reach more and more potential customers because the customer's ability to purchase is not bounded by geographical parameters associated with traditional business models such as brick and mortar However, there are negatives aspects of eCommerce for both the consumer and the business proprietor
             The customer gives up a certain amount of anonymity when he/she allows information to be collected about him/her. This information can be used for questionable and leveraged positions by businesses. A consumer may experience information overflow. From a business perspective, the availability of information to the customer is dangerous to a certain extent. Perfect information implies perfect competition. Perfect competition implies low or non-existent margins, and therefore minute profits and earnings. This is especially true of commodity-oriented products. Successful eCommerce oriented businesses need to position themselves as an eChain solution in order to compete on bundled goods and relationships.

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