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Missing Out

             needs through love and esteem. This can be very essential to boosting our ego when we need it.
             the most (Fehr, 5). When college students were asked, "what it is that makes your life.
             meaningful?" The majority of them replied, friends (4). Aristotle proclaimed, "without friends.
             no one would choose to live" (Fehr, 5). From the apparent benefits that we receive from friends,.
             it is plain to see why friends are so highly regarded by individuals. Now that I have discussed.
             the benefits that friends provide us, I will now offer a definition of what friendship means to me. .
             When I think of friendship, I tend to create a laundry list of traits that I feel are necessary.
             in order to call someone a friend. Although my friends may not need to posses all of the.
             characteristics I am about to describe, I do feel that they must embody at least one or more of.
             them, depending on how a particular friend serves me. One of the first traits is reliability. I.
             enjoy being able to count on a friend when I am in need of empathetic support. A second trait is.
             unconditional forgiveness. I want to be able to know that my friend and I can forgive each other.
             for any mistakes we make in our friendship. My last and the most significant characteristic is.
             responsibility. I want a friend who will be responsible in collaboratively making our friendship.
             work. This includes maintenance, dedicating time together, and much more. These traits are.
             just a few items from my laundry list, but they are some of the most important to me when.
             describing friendship. Recently, I discovered through critical self awareness, that the people that.
             best fit my criteria of what I think a friend should be, are women. I wondered to myself, why.
             does gender have such a significant effect in whom I consider a friend, and why do my male.
             friendships lack the enjoyment that I get from my female friends? This brings me to the next.
             area for discussion. I will now point out some major differences that exist between same-sex.

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