Those born in the workhouse would remain there until their early twenties and would be encouraged to marry at an early age so as to have a young and disciplined population to maximise profits. He believed that only the desperate and destitute should be helped in workhouses, under horrific conditions and therefore, being a deterrent. However, his scheme showed disregard for the dignity, sacrificing the happiness of the minority in order to make the majority happy. .
In 1831, a General election was held and there was a change in the government, with the Whig government coming into power. In 1832, the Whig government set up a Commission of Enquiries into the Poor Law. This decision was prompted by the long term concerns and immediate problems:.
The increasing cost of poor relief.
Growing belief that those administering the Poor Law were corrupt or had a tendency to exploit laws to their own benefit. Contracts for Poor Law work, for example supplying food, were routinely awarded to local trades- people rather than put out to open tender. Ratepayers suggested that this was one way in which vested interests were exploiting the system. .
The effect that the Speenhamland system was having on the attitudes and behaviour of the poor. This was seen to be encouraging large families and perpetuating a cycle of poverty and therefore, demoralising the workforce. Another effect the Speenhamland system was to reduce wages: farmers had no proper wage rates when they could get cheap, subsidised labour form the parish. .
The Swing riots that hit the agricultural counties in the late 1820's and early 1830's.
Fear of a revolution as there was influence from France where a revolution was taking place in 1830.
It was the report from this commission that led to the 1834 Poor Law Amendment Act. The commission tried to prove certain parishes were corrupt and recommended radical changes designed to save money and improve efficiency:.