Scope In this report, I will discuss: Automatic Dependant Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) ADS-B's Advantages and Disadvantages Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) TCAS's Advantages and Disadvantages Summarize which system is better for collision avoidance Body ADS-B ADS-B is a collision avoidance tool that allows aircraft to transmit position, speed, heading and identification via a data link to either other aircraft in the air or on the ground and/or controllers on the ground
ADS-B can also be used with equipped vehicles on the surface movement area. An ADS-B emitter will periodically broadcast the required information obtained from the onboard navigation systems. Other equipped aircraft will be able to receive this information and view it on the Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI). The CDTI is a display that shows traffic in relation to your heading. It is a multifunctional display that can incorporate weather and navigation information. Other aircraft that are receiving the broadcast will be able to avoid a collision and maintain separation much easier than the methods used today. This will lead to safer and more efficient aircraft operations. ADS-B will be able to provide controllers on the ground with valuable information that they might not be able to see on modern secondary radar. If all aircraft were equipped, separation coverage would be granted everywhere not just in certain areas. ADS-B will also provide accurate position and identification information of aircraft and equipment on the airport surface area. This will enhance the pilot's and controller's job of avoiding aircraft and vehicles on the ground during times of bad weather. The FAA has conducted Ground-to-Ground, Air-to-Ground, and Air-to-Air tests on ADS-B. So far these tests have been very successful in all areas ( Advantages and Disadvantages of ADS-B ADS-B offers many advantages for air-to air and ground-to-air surveillance.