"They have robbed us of our rice fields, our mines, our forests, our raw materials. They have monopolized the printing of bank notes." .
Following the declaration of independence in 1945, Ho built up the Viet Minh with the help of General Giap. Ho and Giap arranged groups of people to go into villagers and spread propaganda, which as a result helped, build up nationalism and support for the Viet Minh and their movement. These teams were armed but only for self-defence and never to intimidate or harm villagers. .
Ho Chi Minh set out guidelines for the Viet Minh to follow, which were known as the six permissibles and forbiddances. This helped them to continue the spread of nationalism and to sell' their resistance movement as the permissibles and forbiddances required them to live like and help the villagers, to make sure that the villagers understand that they were there to help get rid of the French and ensure them a better life free from colonialism. .
The ability to achieve this was assisted by the fact that Vietnam had just suffered from a famine due to the conditions of world war two. This was helpful as it showed the peasants how bad the consequences of colonialism could be and how important it was to support, even assist, in the resistance movement proposed by Ho Chi Minh and the Viet Minh.
Ho and the Viet Minh realised that a peaceful approach to achieving their goal was not possible, as they had been rejected by the democratic super powers (USA and Allies), Ho and the Viet Minh followed communist ways and went to seek assistance from Russia and China. These two countries responded by providing them aid and guerrilla tactics that they would use on the French. "War is the highest form of struggle for resolving contradictions, when they have developed to a certain stage, between classes, nations, states, or political groups, and it has existed ever since the emergence of private property and of classes.