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Mobile Phone In Teenagers Life

             Figure 1.2.
             The figure on the left shows that most respondents change their mobile phones between several times and never (range 3-5). About 4 respondents change their mobile phones frequently. .
             Figure 1.3.
             The diagram shows that 54% of respondents have had fewer than 4 mobile phones since the first time they used it. The second largest respondents have had 4-6 mobile phones. Finally, about 8% of respondents have had more than 6 mobile phones since the first time they owned one. .
             Figure 1.4.
             The chart shows that more than half of the respondents (55%) use the pre-paid type for their mobile phone credits. However, 45% of respondents used the monthly subscription type for their mobile phone bill.
             Figure 1.5.
             As shown in Figure 1.5, about Rp. 100 000 - 300 000 of money are spent by most respondents every month. The second largest money spent is less than Rp. 100 000. The others spent more than Rp. 300 000 for their mobile phones usage. .
             Figure 1.6.
             The chart above shows that a large number of respondents bought their mobile phones at the official agents/ shops. Only 8% of the respondents bought their current mobile phones on the Black Market. .
             Figure 2.1.
             According to the graph on the left the vast majority found that mobile phones are very important. On the other hand, very few respondents (from range 3-5, about 5 respondents) believe that mobile phone is not really important. .
             Figure 2.2.
             Majority of respondents believe that technology is the most important determinant in buying mobile phones. The second determinant of buying mobile phones is the size itself. Price and popularity were chosen as the third and fourth determinants when buying mobile phones. The last determinant chosen by the respondents is the advertisement of the mobile phones. .
             Figure 2.3.
             Based on the graph above, most respondents (35 respondents) believe that Nokia has the best advertisement. The second best advertisement according to respondent's opinion is Sony Ericsson advertisement.

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