Other characteristics such as religion, psychological and substance use may also influence both marital status and health; these variables haven't been controlled for, and their effects would be expected to contribute to better health for women.
Preceding research has provided less information between the health differences for women who aren't married. There are a number of categories for women of non-marital status to have bad health. One example would be thatwomen who got divorced, compared to women who have never been married, would be that previously married women have had to deal with the stress of the disruption in their marriage? (Waldron, Weiss and Hughes 1388). Also, previously married women may experience more financial problems, since they?re more likely to have children to support, and they?re less likely to be employed full-time. .
There have been some analysis done that compare the mortality and morbidity between divorced and separated women, women that haven't been married at all, and married women. One study analyzed the incidence of new health problem among initially healthy women aged twenty-five to seventy-four. Although differences by marital status were not significant for most health measures, the magnitudes of the coefficients consistently suggested greater morbidity for divorced and separated women, compared to women that haven't ever been married. Also, this showed that divorced and separated women had an elevated risk of developing morbidity limitations. .
A second analysis of prospective morbidity data for women aged seventy or older assessed increase in disability and found thatmarried women and divorced and separated women had similar health trends, whereas never before married women had better health trends? (Waldron, Weiss and Hughes 1388). Analyses of prospective mortality data haven't shown and increased risk for divorced and separated women relative to women that have never been married.