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Euthanasia: The Unethical Way To Die

            "So I stood upon him, and slew him, because I was sure that he could not live after that he was fallen"(2 Sam 1:10). These were the words of the Amalekite who killed Saul because he found him suffering. This young man decided that he would take the life of an "anointed" servant of the Lord and felt that he had done the right thing. And upon returning to King David, he believed that his actions would render praise and thanks. But the King quoted a passage from the Lord, which said, "The souls are mine"(Ezek 18:4). With this statement he meant that although Saul may have been suffering, it was not the Amalekites decision, but the Lords on when he should die. Interrupting the Lord was a sin punished by death and one that was not taken lightly. And so the Amalekite was put to death as an example of this sin (Carmi, 9-10). .
             Today, what was done by the Amalekite is considered Euthanasia or mercy killing. This is defined as the act or practice of ending the life of an individual suffering from a terminal illness or an incurable condition. Euthanasia is an improper way of ending life and merely a way for people to escape the pains of life. Many people even to this day argue about the ethics of mercy killing and whether or not it should be legalized. But it is clear that this action is inconsistent with the beliefs of Christianity and against the teachings of the bible. So, then, why do people still permit this to go on, why has it become an option for terminally ill patients? These are questions that people have wondered for years and ones that are still topics of concern today. .
             When discussing the topic of euthanasia, it is important to understand why it has become a choice for many suffering people. Often these people feel as if they have nothing more to contribute to society, they feel hopeless and lost. They also do not want to burden themselves or their family with these problems and feel that assisted suicide is something that will help their situation.

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