The major reasons for smoking weed are for personal enjoyment the drug seems to boost enjoyment levels of the smoker. As a past weed smoker I have had many experiences with smoking pot, most of them good. One of the main reasons that I and other smokers of weed smoke is because it seems to enhance enjoyment of normal activities that a person engages in. Going out to the movies is an activity that is very popular among weed smokers, it seems that even some movies are made to see while high such as Friday, Cheech and Chong and, half baked. Tavion Robinson says "Sometimes I get high just to go to the movies, its like I enjoy it more so I just do it"(personal communication, October 18 2001) When under the influence of weed a person seems to pay more attention to the movie the two most popular types of movies that a high person would go and see are comedies and suspense movies. Comedies are popular for the reason that when a person is high it seems as if funny things are even more funny and suspense because a smoker actually gets involved in the movie. Playing video games while high is also a popular activity to take part in while high. The reason why video games while high is because the smoker is totally focused on the game and what the object is. .
Marijuana is believed to be a stress reliever. To sometimes deal with the stress of the real world some people use drugs to help them. The effect that pot has on a person when stressed is that it puts your mind in a different place and state, because of this it causes a break in the daily grind of the average persons routine. Speaking from personal experience the first time I got high was because I was stress out about an issue. Along with taking you mind of the issue weed also helps you figure out a way to deal with it. Thinking may become clearer because you are focused on just a few things not a hundred. Weed is and environment drug, whatever environment the smoker is in determines how the drug affects them.