He wrote several reports on Communism. Most of all he argued that the revolution should come from the people. It was China that belonged to the people, not the people belonging to China. At this time SunYat-sen is dead and Chiang Kai Shek is the new leader of the Nationalist party. The CCP is Russia's baby but they support Chiang as the leader of a united front of Nationalists and the CCP. Mao at first favored this marriage because they both believed that the proletariat was the key to a successful unifying of China. That union was broken later under the strain of Soviet influence, which was not the ideal of the Nationalists. After the Nationalists waged war on the CCP the party was split on how the revolution was going to be played out. Either from above, (Soviet Union), or from below (peasants of China). The latter was led by Mao and would prove to be the way to victory. .
In 1934 the "Long March" led by Mao and his Red Army walked almost the entire length of China, to evade the 700,000 of Chiangs men who were trying to cut off the communists. By being a good leader and with flexible tactics, Mao made the arduous journey to meet up with his CCP rival to combine forces in Yenan. During the war with Japan though, the united front was somewhat real but the nationalists and Chiang were funded by the Soviets and Mao received little or no help for his Red Army. This left a bad taste in Mao's mouth for the Kremlin. After the Japanese surrendered, Mao's Red Army, now called the PLA (peoples liberation army), would war with the nationalists for the right to lead China. With Mao's monkey tactics and his tiger prowess the NP was defeated and Chiang fled to Taiwan.
Now the building of communist China under Mao begins. Terrill goes into great detail on the personality conflicts of Mao's rule. Mao seems to start as a young ideological Marxist. Then as his power is secured he is more of a Lenist.