, 1998). Market orientation fundamentally establishes tenets of organizational behavior with respect to a firm's business constituents, which make an impact on organizational performance. In fact, there exists a theory for delivering superior customer value and there is also a philosophy developed of market orientation. In the next section will be shown what the different viewpoints on the concept of market orientation are and they will be followed by the philosophy and theory of market orientation. .
2.1 Concepts of a market orientation.
Delivering superior quality products and services to customers have had a renewed emphasis recent years. Because customer needs and expectations continually evolve over time, delivering consistently high-quality products and services requires ongoing tracking and responsiveness to changing marketplace needs, being market-oriented ( Jaworski and Kohli, 1993). This market orientation can be seen as referring to the organization-wide generation of market intelligence, dissemination of the intelligence across departments and organization-wide responsiveness to it, but does not indicate that market orientation is an aspect of culture. .
Conversely, Deshpande, Farley, and Webster (1993) focus on customer orientation and conceptualize it as an aspect of corporate culture. Similarly, Slater and Narver (1995) define market orientation as the culture that places the highest priority on the profitable creation and maintenance of superior customer value while considering the interests of other stakeholders and provide norms for behavior regarding the organizational development and responsiveness to market information (Hurley, Hult and Tomas, 1998). Day's (1998) view is similar to Slater and Narver's. Like Narver and Slater, he suggests that market orientation, combined with organizational capabilities, enhances performances. His view of a market orientation is that a market driven culture supports the value thorough market intelligence and the necessity of functionally coordinated action directed at gaining a competitive advantage (Hurley, Hult and Tomas, 1998).