In the world of business, there once was a distinction between the different.
fields of management, production, sales and marketing. Today all these areas.
have merged and been given short abbreviations like SCM, CRM and ERP. It.
all has to do with integration and availability of information. And the road to.
information is via the computer systems.
Business has turned into eBusiness.
1.1 What is E-Business?.
When asked the above question, most people reply, "E-Business is just selling.
your products over the Internet." While partially correct - E-Business usually.
does use the Internet to sell goods - this definition oversimplifies the basic.
principle. More accurately, E-Business is a fundamentally new way of.
conducting business electronically using the latest technologies, such as the.
Internet. It also involves moving away from conventional business thinking in.
order to effectively compete in a new and dynamic environment: cyberspace.
The emphasis shifts towards empowering your customers and getting them.
more deeply involved in your business. As well, your internal processes will.
become more automated with significantly less paperwork.
We define E-Business as an umbrella term for the entire business process. On.
the sale side it includes using online communication to support the chain of.
activities from marketing to customer support.
ECommerce is only the order processing part of E-Business.
In its simplest sense, E-Business is the use of Internet technologies to improve.
and transform key business processes. Most companies understand this and.
have begun the evolution from traditional business practices to E-Business.
Many are well on their way. They have begun to Web-enable core processes.
to strengthen customer service operations, streamline supply chains and.
reach existing and new customers. The accessibility and broad reach of the.
Internet have forever changed customers' expectations regarding support and.
There are two main categories of E-Business:.
CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM levitt (1983) in discussing the globalisation of markets state that "We live in a rapid globalising world and certain national identifiers like taste, technology, market and finance are no longer constrained by national boundaries. ...
The role of information systems in Supply Chain Management Introduction The purpose of this essay is to explore and evaluate the various approaches that can be taken to facilitate the management of supply chains. ... Companies have understandably been reluctant to use what is essentially a public network to transmit their sensitive data but the introduction of 128+bit encryption is able to offer as least as much security as EDI over a phone line. ... A few leading B2Bi solutions include: IBM MQSeries Integrator; Extricity; BEA eLink; webMethods B2B Enterprise; NEON eBusiness Integratio...