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Human Genome Project

The result of the discussion had strongly proved the advantages of the HGP, but the committee proposed that the project should focus on genetic map first, and then physical map. Besides, the research project should increase the area and point out the importance of finding other organisms' DNA such as bacteria, fruit flies, laboratory mouse, had much positive influence on human as well. .
             The report of NRC had comforted the scientists and motivated the National Institute of Health (NIH) to have a leadership role in HGP. On 1st of October 1988, James Watson was appointed to be the director of HGP, and on the same day, NIH and DOE signed the co-operative contract on HGP but with NIH played the main role. The work of U.S. HGP could be divided into two parts: finish genetic map, i.e. the distance between 2-5 centimorgans (1 centimorgan equal to the length of 1 million bases) to distinguish the genes' location; and finish physical map, i.e. figure out all the genes sequence in chromosomes. .
             After the establishment of U.S. HGP, the other countries followed and started a lot of similar research project. For instance, the Advisory Council on Science and Technology (ACOST) set up U.K. HGP in 1988, the Center dEtude du Polymorphisme (GEPH) and Genethon set up France HGP. .
             In view of more and more HGP set up in different countries, in order to prevent any doubled research and increase the efficiency, the Human Genome Project Organization (HGPO) had finally set up and leaded by the American Genetics Professional Victor Mckusick. The head quarter was in Geneva, and the other working departments situated in London, Osaka. However, HGPO didnt have much effect, as there was no sponsorship and have no power towards the countries' research. .
             What is Human Genome Project? (2).
             Begun in 1990, the U.S. Human Genome Project is a 13-year effort coordinated by the Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health.

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