Election Platform - "The Ontario Liberal Plan".
The Ontario Liberal 2003 Election Platform (according to .
www.ontarioliberals.com) is broken down into five major categories. These .
categories are, Education, Strong Communities, Economy, Health Care, and .
Government. For the purposes of this report, I have decided to concentrate on .
Education, The Economy, and Health Care.
The Liberals state that education is the foundation of the future of our .
province, and that it, and the students, have never been more threatened. The .
Liberals plan to put the children first, with practical and proven techniques that .
enhance a students" performance. They call this their "Excellence for All Plan". .
This plan will: (1) set and support ambitious achievement targets, (2) help .
children get a good start, before even entering school, (3) make sure students .
get what they need to excel in school, as well as later on in life, and, (4) ensures .
that the government will stop fighting with parents, teachers, and schools, and .
instead, work with them. Through this plan, the Liberals guarantee that 75% of .
students will meet or exceed the provincial standard on province-wide tests. They .
will also implement a cap of twenty students in junior kindergarten through grade .
three, with reading, writing, and math being mandatory subjects in the everyday .
curriculum. Other aspects of this plan include quality childcare, assistance for .
children with special needs, creating a meaningful high school diploma program, .
making learning mandatory until the age of 18 (versus 16), safer schools, and a .
Lighthouse Program so that schools can share program ideas with other schools.
The Economy.
The Liberals plan for economy growth will balance the budget, keep taxes .
down, create better jobs, and raise Ontarians" quality of life. They believe that .
very prudent financial management and investing in higher productivity will .