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Killing Rage

" (108) We have no right to make them "obey" us; we are not superior to them. Some people treat blacks as if they are from another planet and others as if they are animals. If they were aliens then we would know nothing about them, and well that is not true. They are people, they too have feelings just like you and I. "I feel that the vast majority of black folks who are subjected daily to forms of racial harassment have accepted this as one of the social conditions of our life in white supremacist." (104) Personally, I think that this is kind of sad. I think that one of the most important things in life is to let people know who you really are. To me, this is just a way to put things in the back of the cupboard. You should always express your feelings and let others know when they hurt you. If necessary, give them a dose of their own medicine. That is why I agree with what Hooks wrote when she expressed her rage. "I felt a "killing rage." I wanted to stab him softly, to shoot him with the gun I wished I had in my purse and as I watched his pain, I would say to him tenderly "racism hurts."" (104) Even though she was only thinking these awful things; she became overwhelmed with grief and began to sob. In my opinion, that white man deserved to be thought upon in that way. Life can be complicated, and it really doesn't need to be clouded anymore by the shear stupidity of people in our society. Can't we just all get along without making assumptions and stereotypes of others?.
             Do you remember that old saying "Never judge a book by its cover?" Homosapien means human being and human means of or having the qualities typical of mankind. What makes an African American male different from a Caucasian male? In our minds we know that the only difference is the "cover," which in this case is skin color. When it comes to what we say and the way we act, you would think that we have no concept of the real difference.

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