The dominant physical feature of the country is the fertile valley of the Jordan River. Forming part of the Great Rift Valley of Africa, it rises just over the Lebanese border and continues the entire length of Jordan form the Syrian border in the north, past the salty depression of the Dead Sea, and south down to Aqaba and the Red Sea. For such a small country Jordan has an extraordinary range of climates. The weather in the Jordan Valley is extremely oppressive in the summer feeling like an airless oven with daily temperatures above 96.8F but as high as 120F. With the climate to the south and east being mostly arid desert it makes for a most traitorous environment with little of no fresh water resources are always in demand. In the west there is a rainy season November to April witch dose provide limited fresh water but due to deforestation, overgrazing, soil erosion, and desertification it is forever changing Jordan natural landscape. .
Jordan's population form in 2001 is a little over five million and the life expectancy of a Jordanian being 77 years in average. The ethnic majority is 98% Arab all officially Arabic Speaking with English is widely understood among the upper to middle classes. The Religions in this area is 92% Sunni Muslim and 6% Christians. Arabs are descended from various tribes that migrated to the area over the centuries from all directions. About 60% of the population is Palestinians many of who are refugees who fled mostly from the West Bank, during the wars of 1948 and 1967. Since the Gulf War in 1990, some 300,000 Palestinians have returned form the Gulf States to join their Jordan-based counterparts. All Palestinians have been granted the rights to Jordanian citizenship, and many have exercised that option. Palestinians play an important part in the political and economic life of Jordan. Although many occupy high positions in government and business they continue to dream of a return to an independent Palestine which is partly the reason why so many continue to live in difficult conditions in the 30 or more refugee camps that dot the landscape.