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Feminist Art - An Introductory Overview

The sexual revolution began. Women earn 60 cents for every $1 a man earns. Women of colour earn 40 cents for every $1 a white man earns.
             1968 - New York radical woman protest at Miss World Pageant in Atlantic City.
             The Feminist Movement took off 1968-1970.
             1969 - Women set up "Jane" abortion clinic. Up until now abortion were carried out in back allies or in Mexico.
             No fault divorce law in California.
             Women were allowed to work in factories and other predominantly male jobs.
             1970 - Wage fell to 59 cents per every $1 a man earns.
             1971 - First "battered wife" shelter opened. By 1979 more than 250 Woman's shelters were set up. Speaking out about rape from males.
             1972 - The first Hotline for rape victims.
             Women could have entry into education like men.
             1973 - Abortion legalized in America.
             Weight and height requirements for certain forces dropped.
             1975 - Women were now allowed on Jury Duty.
             1986 - Sexual harassment in the workplace becomes illegal.
             1990's - Third move/wave of Feminism.
             1992 - Women get 71 cents for every $1 a man earns.
             THE PILL.
             The Pill gave women the choice of having a child. They could decide if they wanted a child and when. Before this women had no choice and would have to give up their careers when they fell pregnant. Now women could choose to have a career then children.
             THE MALE GAZE.
             The way that women are portrayed in art is from a male centred viewpoint.
             Developed imagery - to do with women - core imagery.
             Gender had not been considered as an important factor in distinguishing artists characteristic styles of expression until the feminist art historian Linda Nochlin wrote the article "Why have there been no great women artists?" Art News 1971.
             A national survey in 1972 revealed that only 18% of commercial galleries held women's art.
             The leading art text books - 50,000 years of art and there was not a single woman. Women were brainwashed - there never were and never will be any great woman artists.

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