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John F. Kennedy

             Kennedy then spent the next few months at Chelsea Naval Hospital where he faced back surgery. He then was discharged and spent time with his family while recovering from surgery in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts. .
             In 1945, ultimately, aided by his father once again, John F. Kennedy engaged in journalism for Hearst Newspaper. Kennedy then was posted in San Francisco where he covered the United Nations Conference. During his attendance at the conference Kennedy became doubtful about the future of the United Nations, or their ability to unite, due to the lack of their agreements. Fundamentally "The Big Three's" weaknesses came from their misinterpretation between social communism opposed to individual capitalism. During this time Kennedy's suspicions of a United Nation dimmed and the thought of another world war magnified. .
             In June 1945, following his appearance at the conference, John traveled to Europe and attended The British Election, where he predicted that "England is moving towards some form of socialism"(P. 89). Then he continued with, "What will be the significance for America if Churchill is defeated by the labor party?" (P. 89) On July 26, after a long debate the results had announced Churchill defeat.
             While he was still in England Kennedy attended yet another conference in Potsdam, Germany. It was to be Turman's last attempt to come to a reasonable agreement with Stalin. This conference produced no positive results. The conference had affirmed Stalin's strength and once again the lack of any agreement between the United Nations intensified. .
             In addition to his British visit he also traveled to France, Germany, and Ireland. His assignment was to tour Europe and witness the devastating after-math of the World War II through a GI's point of view. Subsequently, it was this observation in addition to, the power of politics at the united nation conference, which confirmed Kennedy's interest in public affairs.

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