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Jane Austen

To entertain themselves, the family would read Jane's notebooks of eighteenth century parodies aloud. Her parents encouraged their children to take part in theatrical entertainment during their summers. They performed the productions in the rectory barn that was changed into a small theater in the summer. Jane continued to develop writing skills that would one-day turn out to be truly remarkable. She developed stories that contained sketches. This would foreshadow the events that would later develop ("Jane Austen-, British Women Writers). .
             Jane Austen enjoyed the encouragement of a close and appreciative audience. Her first writings dated from about 1787, the so-called juvenilia period ("Jane Austen-, British authors of the nineteenth century). Jane's first important work was Lady Susan, a novel composed of letters. She could revise popular novels before the age of fifteen. Between 1795 and 1798, she had written three more novels. The first was rejected and unread, but her other novel, Northanger Abbey brought hope back to her. Her writing falls into two groups, of three novels, with a silent period in between. The three of the first group were being revised while she was writing the three of the second group. Her most understandable influence was in Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility ("Jane Austen-, British authors of the nineteenth century).
             Jane earned a sharp tongue because of her satire of social standards and literary expectations in her novels and her bitter comments in her letters ("Jane Austen-, British authors of the nineteenth century). She clamed to be a miniaturist but that shouldn't be taken at face value. There is certainly a difference in the technique of Jane Austen's language and the refinements of verbal style and in the tight social and regional boundaries of the stories. The novels themselves gave us a lot of strength. Their fictional world was clearly defined in a firm reason of structure and organization.

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