Lastly, it can be seen as a policy claim because it calls for a change to be made, for action to be taken against Iraq. This broad proposition allows Bush to elaborate and convince both the American public and the world to side with him against this "threat to peace.".
Iraq's Decade-plus Dishonesty.
"The entire world has witnessed Iraq's eleven-year history of defiance, deception and bad faith." In this factual/value claim, president Bush points out that over the past 11 years Iraq has been in violation of laws, agreements and treaties set out more than a decade ago. He states, "(Iraq) possesses and produces chemical and biological weapons seeking nuclear shelter and support to terrorism practices terrorism- This is a perfect example of factual evidence in that it cites violations to previously known laws and agreements. With these facts and brief history, Bush uses casual reasoning. Casual reasoning occurs when one event or events, Iraq's failure to comply, lead to another event, President Bush and his call to action. In a way the actions of Iraq guaranteed the actions of the US and the World it has just taken a while, this is known as sufficient condition. This claim supported the proposition that Iraq is a threat by raising the question that they have not listened for over a decade, why would they listen now, emphasizing the point that action is necessary.
Iraq on a Pedestal.
"First, some ask why Iraq is different from other countries or regimes that also have terrible weapons." At this point in the speech, President Bush asks and then answers a reoccurring question on the subject of action against Iraq. This question is a claim in disguise in that the answer again is a blend of the three major types of claims. The factual claim is highlighted when Bush says, " (Saddam, leader of regime in control of Iraq) tried to dominate the Middle East brutally occupied a small neighbor struck other nations without warning- Value claims are seen throughout, with the mentioning of death of the innocent, "unrelenting hostility," the fact that Saddam and his regime are morally wrong.