permitted to attend divinity school and studied seminary classes that prepared them for.
ordination. "Years after Vatican II, theologians, canon lawyers, and biblical critics all .
interrogated the tradition and found no persuasive reason why woman should not be .
ordained women enrolled in divinity schools and studied at seminaries in astonishingly.
large numbers and so were prepared intellectually and psychologically for .
ordination Catholic women had vocations to be priests-intersected with a crises in the.
priesthood itself: with fewer men being ordained and many leaving the priesthood to .
marry, there seemed to be a real need to consider women's ordination" (p680 ). But .
eventually they decided against the ordination of women with no real explanation except .
that it has been the tradition of the church since the beginning.
Men want to continue to rule the church with their ideas of patriarchy such as no ordained.
women priests, and no homosexuals are sons or daughters of God. The Christian church.
believes that homosexuality is a choice that people make in order to defy the word of.
God. Although some people have other ideas about what homosexuality really is. .
Elizabeth R. Moberly, author of "Homosexuality: A New Christian Ethic", says that she.
doesn't think that homosexuality is wrong. She says that homosexuality is just a phase .
that everyone goes through and you have to act out all of your homosexual desires before .
you can truly be heterosexual. Therefore she believes that you cannot condemn someone .
for being homosexual because everyone has homosexual desires, some are just stronger .
desires than others (Moberly). Others have proof that you cannot choose your sexual.
preference; it would be like choosing your skin color. It is natural; you have no choice in.
the matter. "Something neither chosen nor changeable; heterosexuals who have made.
their peace with homosexuals have often done so by accepting that premise.