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Industrial Revolution

             Europe peoples move to Americas, Australasia (destruction of aboriginal peoples - Amerindians, Tasmanians) .
             Europeans dominate in other countries - about 1/2 go to US.
             1850-1900 pop, increase 266mil to 401mill (50% inc.) .
             Europe made up 25% of world pop - the most it ever has.
             B. Urban Existence.
             Urbanization was the great social result of the Ind. Rev. Formerly the vast majority of people lived on the land. From now on the City was to be the way of living. .
             Cities are places were new ideas flourish, where creativity is increased, education becomes possible for all. They are also places that can dissolve social bonds, and lead to alienation.
             Country gives way to Town .
             In England 50% of people live in Cities by 1851 .
             Later in other countries.
             The Urban Environment.
             City conditions were bad before the Ind. Rev. but new pop. pressures and industry intensified the congestion filth and disease.
             Dirty - Sanitation problems - open sewers: millions of people lived in shit. Cholera arrives 1830s, affects middle class as well.
             1840s - Public health movements - made necessary by Ind. Rev. (House of Commons had to be closed in the 1840s because of the stink from the Thames) -- this lead to a much greater role for government. .
             • Life of 19th Century Workers In England [At Alderson-Broaddus College] .
             • Edwin Chadwick (1803-1890): Report on Sanitary Conditions, 1842, [At Brown] .
             • Friedrich Engels: Industrial Manchester, 1844 .
             From The Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844. .
             • Elizabeth Gaskell: North and South, 1855, [At Clinch Valley College] .
             Edwin Chadwick - a commissioner to administer relief to paupers. His report in 1842 spurred government action. (He applied the principle of "the greatest good for greatest number."). First UK Public Health Act 1848 .
             It was believed public health/cleanliness would help everybody. Sanitation by sewers, etc., were- methods adopted all over Europe.

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