Ultimately, brand image, service and quality are the winning criteria for Abercrombie and Fitch. Their competitive advantage stems from their ability to communicate these qualities to their customers successfully, while also maintaining high profit margin. Many retailers, including Gap competitors Abercrombie & Fitch and American Eagle have also experienced ugly first-half results, especially in the same-store sales category.
Social, legal, and regulatory issues.
The Asian Pacific American Resistance & Empowerment Network (APAREN), a national collective of progressive Asian Pacific Americans (APA), denounces Abercrombie & Fitch for its racist actions directed toward Asian and APA communities.
A recent line of t-shirts sold by the major clothing retailer displayed racist slogans and caricatures, depicting stereotypes of APAs with the intention of being funny. The shirts alluded to the stereotype that Asians cannot speak proper English by using bad puns; the illustrations were simple rehashing of old stereotypes. One shirt even had a caricature of the Buddha with the slogan "Buddha Bash: Get Your Buddha on the Floor;- Another Abercrombie & Fitch shirt, which is reportedly still being sold by the company, features the Chinese name of Li Hong Zhang (also known as Li Hung-chang), a Chinese official in the late 1800s well known for his weakness when dealing with European governments. This is certainly the product of research done in order to come up with a name that would embarrass people of Chinese and Asian descent. .
The fact that Abercrombie & Fitch has not taken responsibility for selling racist shirts indicates the company obviously does not understand the issues at hand. Regardless of its specific reasons, the behavior of this massive company indicates racism at the highest levels of its corporate ladder.
Although some of the shirts were pulled from the stores, the company released a statement saying the company "thought Asians would love- the shirts, a blatant indication that the company lacks basic sensitivity toward minority communities.