Elsewhere, they are promoting narrow political discourse and even supporting dictatorships and the stability that it brings them. this is to the detriment of most people in the world, while increasingly fewer people in proportion are prospering.
Large, transnational corporations are becoming increasingly powerful. Most people, including Nader, feel the role of TNCs is a big problems in free trade. TNCs use profits as their driving factor instead of focusing on how society and the environment are affected. TNCs often use conditions that result in manipulated international trade pacts or agreements, in order to maximize profits, via things such as cheap labor. Not only do TNCs push the limits of human rights, they also could be said to be behind biotechnology and genetically engineered food production, which may be counter to issues relating to feeding the world's hungry. The concerns on the environment are therefore magnified. There are countless examples where corporate involvement in various issues, especially food trade, could contribute to the issue of world hunger. Corporations are a major entity in the world and have an enormous impact, both negative and positive, on all our lives. Concerns of overly corporate led globalization contributing to global issues are increasing. .
The World Trade Organization is the primary international body to help promote free trade, by drawing up the rules of international trade. The WTO has been criticized for numberous things. Madeley states that the WTO is being very opaque and nt allowing enough public participation, however being very welcoming to large corporations. The WTO serves as an international body on matters that directly affect all citizens of the world and yet it is nto part of the various United Nations bodies, which is arguably a more humanitarian body. Another criticism Madeley states about the WTO is the rule regarding production and processing methods.