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Human Rights In Africa

             In Africa human rights are very different than the western world. In Africa women have little no rights and the males of the society can do as they wish with their wives, even beat them. Women are looked down on in the African society and have been discriminated for all of their history. These discriminations are taking place in the east and central Africa.
             East and Central African women have never had the right to own land, or to receive land from their husbands when they die. Most of the time the land is given to the family, if there are not any sons to give it to. Even today with non-sexist societies, women continue to live without rights. The reason that they do not change their laws is that they believe that their society has done well in the past as it was, and there is no reason to change it now.
             In another infraction of women's rights in East and Central Africa is that women can not be paid for their work. To get paid for work, you must be a land owner, which means that since women were never given the right to own land, they cannot possible receive payment for work. .
             The idea of cultural relativity shows its point here that since a cultural has accepted a certain way of life; it is nearly impossibly to change it. The people of East and Central Africa have lived this way for their existence and to them, it is not considered a rights violation, it's a way of life. With this fact I believe that these parts of Africa will remain without women's rights for a long time.

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