Religious figures believe that there is no reason for being gay at all, except wanting to disobey God. There are many similarities in the ways that homosexuality is perceived in the U.S ,and the Middle East. However, the difference in dealing with it, and how each society perceives and understands its concept, are obvious. .
What makes homosexuality a more open and free topic in the US is democracy,which is a factor that most Arabian nations lack from the start. There are presidents who rule for more than four-term period, and nobody can fairly compete in the presidential elections. These nations suffer from lack of freedom and choice in comparison to the U.S. People who go against the will of the government in expressing their opinions could be exiled. However, in the U.S things like that are accepted. The judicial system allows freedom of the press, speech, and religion, not just in paper, but in real life. In a nation like the U.S ,where many nationalities go to seek real freedom, it is not preferable to have a constitution based on an established state religion. The purpose of theconstitution is to serve and protect the individual in the U.S , not to put restrains and obstacles in his way. That is, the trends of the U.S are encouraging new ideas, thoughts, believes, and ,in turn, different life styles. As a result, there is freedom their, not just in religion, but to question the religion, and the law. In recent years, politicians were arguing the right way to deal with homosexuality in a democratic country. David .
In discussing the history of homosexuality in the Middle East it is obvious that this kind of practice is prohibited by the Quran and certain religious hadith (sayings by Prophet Mohammed). "Homosexuality is unlawful in Islam; it is neither accepted by the state nor by the Islamic society. The people living in the time of Prophet Lot (Nephew of Abraham) near the Dead Sea were involved in this act and Allah punished them severely and the whole nation was destroyed.