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Home Schooling

             As home schools" philosophies differ, so does their quality. Some parents are very talented and dedicated teachers, while others are less adept. Individualized instruction is powerful, even when parents fall short of teaching excellence. "This may be why home-schooled children generally score quite well on standardized tests, averaging between the sixty-fifth and ninetieth percentiles" (Sadker). Methods also differ between home schools. Some home schooling families operate like small versions of conventional schools, with textbooks and tests and traditional grades. Other families freely adapt ideas from alternative educational philosophies such as Waldorf or Montessori. Also, many families believe in interest-initiated, child-led, natural learning and they give their children considerable control over what is learned and how learning takes place. .
             Advances in technology have provided a teaching method for the home schooling movement. This technology is particularly the increase of personal computers and access to the Internet. Some Internet providers do offer a home schooling forum, complete with lesson plans, tutoring, legislative updates, and the capability for networking with others interested in group work. Technology is drastically altering education, and "the school of the future may be less a place than a password onto the information highway" (Sadker). .
             Home schooling families hold different views as to the importance of socialization. Some firmly believe that much of the socialization in school is negative, including everything from unhealthy competition to gang violence. Therefore, these families trust that their children come out ahead by remaining at home. On the other hand, some families believe that socialization is important and create their own social groups, such as book clubs. Some form a relationship with the local school districts so that their children may participate in district schools" sports and other extracurricular activities.

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