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History Of Islam

By this time he was 25 years old and within eight months of employment under Khadijah, they fell in love and were married. This was great time for Mohammad as he was finally married, had a thriving business, and plenty of money - what more could one want (Dijskra, p.1085)? .
             However, with his always present mystic nature, he was searching for something more. Shortly after his marriage, an event took place which changed Mohammad's live even more dramatically, and paved the way to earliest beginnings of the Islam faith. During a meditation while he visited Mecca, the angel Gabriel appeared before him and told him the following "Repeat after me, in the name of God, the creator who created man coagulated blood, repeat after me: because your God is full of goodness- and went on in length with a new way to believe (Dijskra, p.1085). .
             After experiencing this vision from the angel and from this point forward, Mohammad totally believed he was prophet for God. His excitement was very obviously and he quickly shared this experience with his wife, Khadijah. She was an instant believer Mohammad's new found prophecy and continually began encouraging him to focus on this newfound spirituality. Thus, the next phase of the development of the Islamic religion had begun (Dijskra, p. 1086).
             The focus of this new Islamic faith was based on one God known as Allah, who created all which existed, and of which, Allah demanded the honor and obedience of all mortal followers (Dijskra, p. 1087). As with any religion, Islam had a very specific creed by which all believers had to follow. This creed was to be stated in a phrase as follows "there is no God but Allah and Mohammad is his prophet" (Dijskra, p. 1088). This could be defined as all followers are required to submit to the will of Allah in order to be considered a Muslim. Additionally, Mohammad wrote a detailed new book called the Qur"an to ensure all aspects of the follower's beliefs were clearly laid out.

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