Three of the most famous writings from ancient civilizations are the writings of Confucius, .
Hammurabi's code of laws, and Egypt's Book of the Dead. At first, they seem very different, they're from .
different times, regions, and religions, but they all offer a peek into what values ancient people considered .
important. .
One of the values that all three civilizations is justice and fairness. I feel that this is best viewed .
in Hammurabi's laws. All of the penalties for the crimes are very stiff, but fair. I feel that it is fair that "If .
he has broken the limb of a patrician, his limb shall be broken" It's like in the Bible "An eye for an eye, .
and a tooth for a tooth." In Egypt, in the Book of the Dead, a man couldn't proceed into the after life .
unless he was found innocent of any wrong doing on Earth. In Confucius' writings, he never actually says .
the word "justice", but he does say "Great Man cherishes excellence; Petty Man, his own comfort. Great .
Man cherishes the rules and regulations; Petty Man special favors." To me, that mean "Great Man is fair, .
Petty man is unfair." .
The second of these three values is responsibility and respect to one's family and elders, and .
responsibility and respect to others families and elders. This is most evident in Confucius' writings. He is .
constantly stressing family values and responsibility. One quote that shows this is "Let the sole sorry of .
your parents be that you might become ill." .
This stresses personal responsibility and respect to your parents. Hammurabi showed responsibility by .
saying "If a builder has built a house for a man, and has not made his work sound, and the house he built .
has fallen, and caused the death of the man's son, the builder's son shall be put to death." That quote .
shows a man's responsibility for himself and his family. In Egypt, during the ritual of the dead, it is said .
that the dead man, in order to pass into the afterlife, must profess that he has not done anything to hurt .