She taught us principles, values, hard work, goals, and most importantly a love of the gospel. Having raised seven kids would be enough to make me insane, but she has raised seven temple worthy kids, which is a huge admiration to me. I do not remember a night in my life that I did not see my mother put on her nightgown and kneel down on her old sore knees. She was always right across from my dad and as she kneels by her bedside she bows her dark head of hair and her freshly washed face in prayer to our hero. Without that example in my life taught to me by my mother I probably would not have the same hero that I have mentioned today. .
Next, my father, another person that I admire a lot. My dad also has a huge part in teaching me about the gospel, but one thing that I think all my brothers and sisters would agree on is how he has taught us the meaning of hard work. I do not remember a time that my old, gray hair (well, the few hairs he has on his head) dad has slept in, at the latest, eight o"clock in the morning. Not only is he awake but he drags his still aching from the past days work body out side to work, and then working all day long until dinner time. He has his own business so he can still take time off to be with family and friends. But work has always come before play in my father's eyes and I don't think I will ever forget that about my dad. That is a striking example to me and I appreciate him a lot for teaching me to have accomplishments everyday, as he does. There is no way that I would be able to return to my Heavenly Father without my father helping me spend my time wisely and learning how to do something more with my life than just waist it watching television and other things. .
One person that has really touched my life is a little more unusual than my parents as a person I admire. I cannot even put a date on the first time we met, sometime around thirteen years ago.