(http://www.nra.org/) The 1996 election came together with mixed results for American Gun oweners. The 105 th congress will come back together with pro gun majorities, with the most anti-gun president the United States has ever seen. (http://www.nra.org/pub/ila/96-11-14_grassfire_2nd_ admendment_ congress_ majority) In four years, we will see who will be the controlling force in our new government, many wonder if it will be Bill Clinton, Janet Reno, and Charles Schumer, or will it be our new 105th pro gun Congress. .
The National Rifle Association of America (NRA) claims to be: First and Foremost, is its membership--Millions of Americans representing a diverse contrast from age, sex, race, religion. Americans have joined us from every state in the union, from every kind of economic background, from ever .
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kind of politcal affiliation. What members share with every other member is an apprecation of shooting sports, belief in our constitu tional right to keep and bear arms and, most of all, a commitment to safety, responsibilty and freedom. The NRA was incorporated in 1871 to provide firearm training and encourage inter- est in shooting sports. .
(http://www.NRA.org/NRA- Precis. html).
Here are some very simple facts, of some major cities that have gun control, and have had it since the mid 1960s-1970s:.
Washington D.C. Homocide Numbers/PerCapita Rates, 20-Year Trend.
1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985.
268 277 235 188 192 189 180 200 223 294 183 175 147.
35.9 38.3 32.8 26.8a 27.8 28.0 27.4 31.5 35.1 30.7 29.4 28.1 23.5.
1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994.
194 225 369 434 472b 482c 443e 454f 399g.
31.0 36.2 59.5 71.9 77.8 80.6d 75.2 78.5 70.