The resulting overall structure works together to achieve harmony.
In ancient Greece, public drama was more than drunken orgies. It was a form of public education. It dealt with issues of importance to the people, such as; the authority of the leaders, the power of the people, questions of justice, morality, wars, peace, the duties of the gods, family life and city living. Aeschylus wrote about the furies and how they punished man for wrongdoings. This shows that he believed that chaos would be punished because order (and law) is the ideal state. Sophocles is best known for his pornographic and incest-filled plays of Oedipus and Antigone. Those plays dealt with family and civic loyalty. The Greeks emphasized, particularly in their plays, the importance of loyalty as a goal to strive for.
We learn a lot about Greek views through their philosophy, which literally means the love of knowledge. The Greeks educated through a series of questions and answers, in order to better teach about life and the universe. The first philosopher was Thales. He believed in absolutism and eternal matter. He said that water was the original matter and that without it, there would be no life. Pythagoras's "great contribution to scientific thought was [his] conviction that nature contains an inherent mathematical order.
stability and permanence were the underlying conditions of the universe," as well as the invention of the revered Pythagorean triangle- an algebraic concept that haunts freshman everywhere. Heroditus hypothesized that change was the basic condition of reality. He further claimed that all permanence was false. Thus he saw things as naturally being in flux rather than a stable state. Hippocrates was the father of medicine. He argued the role of religion in medicine and diseases and concluded that every disease has a natural explanation. The philosophers questioned themselves and the world in philosophical (think The Karate Kid) ways like; what would happen if things that were wrong were seen by society as acceptable? What, for example, if society condoned murder? Socrates was one who argued this point of view.