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Genetic Engineering

The donor cell is then combined with the recipient egg. Some fused cells start to develop like a normal embryo and produce progeny if implanted into the uterus of a surrogate mother'. .
             Then on October 13th 2001, human cloning research had an even bigger breakthrough. Cloned early-stage human embryos generated only from eggs, in a process called parthenogenesis "now put therapeutic cloning within reach. American company Advanced Cell Technology announced their success with creating cloned human embryos that could be used for therapeutic cloning procedures. Therapeutic cloning works on the basis that patient's could use their own genetic material to grow cells without the need to implant the embryo into the uterus of a woman. The cells are parthenogenetically created, meaning that they do not need to be fertilised by a sperm or to be injected with a donor cell. Therapeutic cloning could be used for a wide range of health problems, such as diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, auto-immune disorders, and diseases involving the blood and bone marrow. Embryo-derived cells might be used to treat a variety of serious diseases caused by damage to cells, perhaps including AIDS as well as muscular dystrophy and diabetes. Nerve cells grown from cloned embryos could not only be used to heal damaged spinal cords but also to treat brain disorders such as Parkinson's disease, in which the death of brain cells leads to uncontrollable tremors and paralysis. Alzheimer's disease, stroke and epilepsy might also respond to parthenogenetically created cells. .
             However, even the scientists conducting the research have their reservations about what theses discoveries may yield in the future. Advanced Cell Technology researcher Dr Michael West said, "We believe that reproductive cloning has potential risks to both mother and foetus that make it unwarranted at this time. .
             Disturbingly, the proponents of reproductive cloning are trying to co-opt the term "therapeutic cloning" by claiming that employing cloning techniques to create a child for a couple who cannot conceive through any other means treats the disorder of infertility.

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