Christian religions as well. Historically this has made it quite a busy place for the various groups. .
Jerusalem is where the temple of the Jews once stood; the only place on the whole Earth where one could leave the.
confines of day to day life and get closer to God. In 586 BCE when the temple was destroyed, no Jew would have.
denied Jerusalem as being the geographic center of the religion. From that point on, the Jewish people have migrated.
around the world, but not one of them forgets the fact that Jerusalem is where it all began. It is truly a sacred place, and.
helps to define what Judaism means to many people; a common thread to run through all the various splinters of the.
religion and help hold them together.
Even today, as the Jewish people have their precious Jerusalem back (through the help of other nations and their politics).
there is great conflict and emotion surrounding it. Other nations and people in the area feel that they should be in control.
of the renowned city, and the Jews deny fervently any attempt to wrestle it from their occupation. It is true that there is no.
temple in Jeruslaem today, nor are all the Jews in the world rushing to get back there. But it is apparent that the city.
represents more to the religion of Judaism than a mere place to live and work. The city of Jerusalem is a spiritual.
epicenter, and throughout Judaism's long and varied history, this single fact has never changed.
Tribal / Pre-Monarchy.
Judaism's roots lie far back in the beginnings of recorded history. The religion did not spring into existence exactly as it is.
known today, rather it was pushed and prodded by various environmental factors along the way.