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The thought of breaking through a barrier that was placed in front of us centuries ago, may be seen as being a "bitch" or "closed minded" by some, and an incredible step in the movement of empowerment for a gender by others. .
             Contrary to what our mothers told us about femininity being modest in speech, acting like a "lady at all times", and most importantly keeping your mouth shut, the psychology of femininity teaches us about how femaleness is completely opposite. The true expression on feminism is standing for who you are, what you believe in and your human rights and values. Who knew standing up for one's rights or against prejudice would categorize strong women as "bitches". As professor of psychology and women's studies at Cornell University Sandra Bem explains it in her piece of the Lectures of Psychology of Women book, " we need to reframe our discussions of sexual inequality so that it focuses not on male-female differences per se but on how our androcentric .
             (male centered) institutions transform male-female differences into female disadvantage"(5). It is important that when presenting the truth, facts are not misinterpreted as constant bickering of an unfair world, but understood as living in an unjust society.
             It was not until recently that the question of biased research against women and men, occurred more often than expected. As Heather Bullock, professor at the University of California at Santa Cruz stated in a lecture, "The emergence of feminist psychology as a major philosophical perspective occurred in the late 60's and early 70's. Questioning psychology's representation of women was very much a part of the more general questioning of women's place encouraged and led by women's liberation activists" The amount of biases against women and feminism was the "spark plug" that began the Association for women in psychology (AWP). The association's main goal is to focus on a good illustration of what it means to study the psychology of women from a feminist perspective.

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