For example, the Mandingo, Massai, and Swahili, inhabitants of East Africa, believe that female circumcision makes the body fertile and prepares it for an assigned place within the social order (Little, 1988). Despite the differences, a commonality exists among these African groups and their reasons for practicing female circumcision: Islamic and other African religions are one of the primary foundations of female circumcision in Africa.
The sources of the Islamic faith are found in the Qur"an (Muslim scripture), the Hadith (teachings of the Prophet Mohammed), the consensus of the entire Islamic community, and the ijihad (Islamic interpretations of Islamic law). There is no reference to female circumcision in the Qur"an. However, the Prophet Mohammed's Hadith contains several references to the practice. For example, the Prophet Mohammed is recorded saying "Do not cut severely as that is better for a woman and more desirable for a husband (Ahmad, 2000)." In addition, Mohammed stated "if you cut, do not overdo it, because it brings more radiance to the face.(Ahmad, 2000)." Furthermore, a number of non-recorded, religious fables describe the early foundations of female circumcision in Africa. .
In addition to the Islamic religion, other African religious groups practice female circumcision. Scholars argue the story which involves Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar, explains the origin of female circumcision according to Christianity. According to the story, Sarah forces Abraham to circumcise Egyptian born Hagar. God commands Abraham and Sarah to circumcise themselves because of their actions. Christians that adhere to female circumcision interpret this story as God's acceptance of the practice (Chessler, 1997). However, "the Bible, like the Qur"an does not specifically mention female circumcision (Chessler, 1997)." Some Christian groups promote traditional customs and support female circumcision as a link to Africa's past.