A person with Anorexia loses about 15% of their weight. Some other signs may be wearing baggy clothes to conceal their thinness, intense fear of becoming fat, self image and self esteem are determined by body shape and weight and no menstrual period for at least 3 cycles, which is called amenorrhea. They may also exercise compulsively. .
There are many physical consequences to this disease. Blood pressure becomes erratic, heart rate drops, heart may become enlarged, anemia is common, their sense of taste changes, their skin may become jaundiced, calcium deficiency leading to osteoporosis, and the brain can actually shrink causing dizziness and loss of concentration. The endocrine system is also affected. The master control of the endocrine system is the pituitary gland at the base of the brain. This controls everyone's metabolism. Low levels of these hormones are what cause the low heart rate. A normal person has a heart rate of 70 to 80 beats per minute compared to an anorexic, which has 30 to 50 beats per minute. Dehydration, kidney stones and kidney failure can also be a result.
The exact cause of anorexia is still unknown. It is believed to be a result of psychological, biological and social stress. It may be related to sexual development during adolescents. There is also evidence that the disease runs in families and can be inherited. Some people that develop the disorder have experienced physical, sexual or emotional abuse, or loss of someone close to them such as a parent. The practice of an overeating disorder can be viewed the same as an alcoholic uses alcohol, for survival, to that person. It helps them cope with feelings and emotions that may otherwise seem overwhelming, and can be related to the need of feeling control. This is especially true for someone with a personality type of being a perfectionist, controlling calories. Perfectionism is very common among athletes and people who are in the public eye.