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Facility Management For Sports And Recreation Management

             Cardiovascular or Circuit Training Area.
             The facility audit of the cardiovascular training area of the IBC has delivered some positive and negative results regarding the faculty and risk management.
             The cardiovascular training area is on the second floor of the IBC. This area is very well monitored. There is a desk in the far right corner that has a sight passages to see throughout the whole floor and there is a person who will walk around the floor very frequently. The employees who are monitoring the floor are also trained to use the different machines. The machines are checked consistently and maintained everyday. The climate is also keep at one level, which prevents the threat of people opening windows. There is also a great amount of signage in the floor directing the users attention to upcoming events, directions to water fountains, restrooms and stretching areas. The cardiovascular training are has some good aspects, but it is not without it's faults.
             There is some negligence and dangerous situations in the facility. Most of the floors are carpeted, however, the machines that are on the floors that are not carpeted do not have drip mats under them. The cardiovascular equipment is to close together and could cause injury to a person trying to walk through to another machine. The rowing machines are also to close to the stationary bikes. If a person is on the rowing machine there is not enough space to walk pass. In addition, these rowing machines are not secured into the floor, which causes them to move backwards closer to the bikes during an intense workout. The biggest problem was that the cords of the cardiovascular machines were not taped down and underneath the machines. The cords and the power strips were visible and in the walkways.
             The IBC should take out some of the machines to make more space or move the outer machines out more to make more space in between the machines.

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