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A Virtuous Women

             What is a virtuous woman?.
             A virtuous woman, designed by God, mild mannered and meek. A woman whose children arise and call blessed, who welcomes all strangers and treats them as guests. A woman, who plans for her household by night, then trusts in the Lord with all of her might. A woman who cares for her home and family, who refrains from gossip and speaking idly. Her husband, well known, within the city's gate, publicly, praises God for his godly mate. She's a blessing to all and in all her ways, plants her trust in the Lord, Whose Voice she obeys. She teaches her children God's laws and commands, and daily entrusts them into His strong, loving hands. She's a God fearing woman who's been blessed with a task. That, I think I am.
             Characteristics of a Virtuous Woman.
             When I think about the characteristics of a virtuous woman, I think of a woman that is a woman of force and power. She fears the Lord; hence she is characterized by piety, purity and loyalty. I think she is kind, benevolent, and selfless. A virtuous woman is presented as what I call an entrepreneur. She is a manufacturer, merchant, and landowner and yet, does not neglect her family. When I think of these characteristics of a virtuous woman, I think of myself. I am constantly learning and refining what this means for me personally. I stumble so frequently and yet am determined to run this race! .
             Strange as it seems, our society today seems to mock virtue. or at least, virtue doesn't seem to be one of the worthiest goals. Webster's, in part, defines virtue and virtuous as: Strength; strength from straining, stretching, extending; morally good, conforming to the moral law; practicing the moral duties, abstaining from vice. I define virtue or virtuous as loving, caring, self-sacrificing and trustworthy.
             Webster defines trustworthy as being worthy of trust. I define trustworthy as a reliable person that has the ability to earn ones trust.

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