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A Virtuous Women

            What is a virtuous woman, "Proverbs 31"?.
             Characteristics of a virtuous woman.
             Trustworthy, having all sufficiency.
             Not lazy, dutiful, compassionate.
             Versatile, a good businesswoman.
             A provider for her family.
             Good mother, not idle, not a busy body, practical energetic.
             How do I know that I am a virtuous woman in Gods eyes?.
             The heart of my husband's trust, honesty, and love.
             A credit to her husband.
             Godly Children.
             How do I see myself a woman.
             What things I need to change in my life. .
             We live in a world where the people are jaded, trendy and often times superficial. It's evident in our culture from our fashion to television programming to the latest diet that makes unbelievable promises of weight gain or weight loss. However, being a virtuous woman one would have to find a way to work around the woes of today's society. For me, I try to live life as a virtuous woman each and everyday of my life however; it is very challenging in today's society. I am constantly faced with the immoral ways of today's society. Immoral ways such as adultery, gossiping, lying, stealing, un-wanted pregnancy, hatred, and deceit. However, I, myself, consider myself as a person who is forever opening my heart and doors to others. I think of myself as a mother of two boys, wife for 20 years with a meek, and mild mannered, God-fearing person that hate conflict with others. I try to consider myself a virtuous woman. Only to be faced with a very difficult challenge. The virtuous woman in me is one who strives for excellence, balance and self-love. It has nothing to do with who my parents are or if I went to an Ivy League school. My virtue is not determined by my financial status or exposure to high society, it is an ambition. Once I've salvaged that virtuous woman, then I can present myself to my husband, who would be more than happy to receive a woman that he doesn't have to tiptoe around.

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