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             can give in advance a directive to have life-sustaining.
             medical treatment withheld or discontinued at the time of.
             future serious illness or injury should he or she be unable.
             then to make medical decisions" (www.Ohiolife.org). Some.
             feel that the idea of a Living Will does not work because it.
             is too vague and under the circumstances it is legally.
             binding. "When a patient who had signed a legally binding.
             Living Will becomes unable to make decisions, the doctor and.
             family may be unable to make medical decisions that are in.
             the best interest of the patient because the document.
             strictly limits their options."(www.Ohiolife.org). Living.
             Wills not only apply to the elderly don't forget. People at.
             a younger age that might be on the wire of being terminally.
             ill from say an accident. "The physican would be to.
             withdraw all life sustaining treatment rather than attempt.
             to preserve the life of the patient and the risk of being.
             sued for failing to carry out the Living Will." .
             (www.Ohiolife.org) .
             So doesn't the patient have the right to make that.
             decision for himself if he is capable? Can't the family.
             make the decision if he is not capable? We discussed this.
             in our class assignment where we researched a position in.
             the current ethical debate on Euthanasia. One scenario had.
             a woman who had Lou Gerhigs disease and no longer wanted to.
             stay in the hospital suffering. Her arms and legs were.
             greatly affected by this disease. Her family was not.
             supportive of her decision to go home and die. Her mind is.
             virtually unaffected by the disease although her voice is.
             scratchy. The lawyer makes the argument that she is capable.
             of making her own decisions due to psychiatric evaluation. .
             The family did not want to believe that. The woman did not.
             have a Living Will. If someone refused medical treatment.
             because he literally decided that he would rather be dead,.
             assuming that he is not being pressured by others and he is.
             sane and not making this decision rashly in a period of.

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