The legal ramifications if the Vice President decides to go ahead with this plan to store toxic waste on-site are numerous. The company would be violating several E.P.A. regulations concerning toxic waste management. According to the Toxic Substances Control Act, if the company plans to go ahead and store the toxic substance on-site, the company would need to test the substance first for toxicity levels, notify the E.P.A. that they are planning to store the toxic substance on-site, file a report with the E.P.A., build a proper containment unit, probably need to obtain a license for storing the toxic material and finally have an inspector approve the storage facility. The cost of properly storing toxic substances is expensive. If the company decides to go the other route and not bother with the procedures, they will be faced with various civil and criminal law suits if someone should get injured in relation to the stored toxic substances.
The company would be engaging in ultra hazardous activities thus committing a strict liability tort. Any injuries or accidents caused by the toxic substances, such as someone falling into the pond because it was uncovered or a leakage in the container gave several employees cancer; fault or intent would not need to be proved. According to strict liability, the company is at fault for improperly storing the toxic substances and the plaintiff would not need to prove negligence. Even if the V.P. did not tell the President of the company that he is storing the toxic substance on-site, the owner of the company is still responsible for any injury or accident caused by the toxic pond (Corley 215). .
The company would not only be responsible for the injuries of the employees caused by the toxic pond, they would also be responsible for anyone who could prove that their injury was caused by the toxic substances. The company would also be responsible for any damages causes to the individual.
Table of Contents Introduction page 3 Right to Live- Values page 3 The Law and History page 4 Religious Beliefs page 5 Ethical Principles page 6 Psychological Effects page 6 Conclusion page 7 During the past quarter century, abortion has joined race and war as one of the most debatable subjects of controversy in the United States. ... The ethical theorist most compatible to the thinking of this unbalanced woman is Niccolo Machiavelli. ... Ethical Principles Accurate information is needed so women and men know that abortion will take a...
I want to help the parents keep their daughter, and their family, but there are many ethical issues I must consider before making my decision regarding the operation. ... Had she been four years older, the entire ethical debate would not exist because we would have to respect her rights. ...
Oedipus The King; Did the prophecy cause his destiny? Undoubtedly there has been a tremendous amount of speculation and dissection of this play by countless people throughout the ages. I can only draw my own conclusions as to what Sophocles intended the meaning of his play to be. The drama inclu...
Treating AIDS "The Global Ethical Dilemma Statistics show that ninety percent of the world's 33 million HIV/AIDS cases are in Africa, Latin America, and Asia. These areas are known to be much more deficient and therefore can not afford the drug to help fight AIDS. The quandary for the drug com...