I have a large interest in the environment which started as a small youngster walking.
down the roads collecting the garbage that littered the roadsides. After bringing the rubbish home.
I would then separate it into procure disposal. Recycling was a very important task in my home.
and was done regularly. I have always been a environmentally conscious person. When I was.
young I would mow my lawn along with my neighbors and in return they would allow me to go.
to the Adirondacks, where my neighbor had a camp on Forth Lake. Up there I would climb.
several near by mountains and mountain bike the trails around that area. I have a love for the.
outdoors, however, I do not hunt. I enjoy outdoor sports and working outdoors. I often spend.
most of my time outdoors either playing or working .In the spring, summer, and fall seasons I.
work as a local lawn care provider for several people in town. This past summer I was hired by.
local mini-mall owner to open and clear the river bank that pasted though the area. In doing so I.
clear garbage from the years of past owners. I have not finished the project which will wrap up.
this coming summer, but I have personal satisfaction that the river is now cleaner and safer than.
it was in the past. Besides working I mountain bike, swim, run, roller blade, play soccer,.
baseball, football and many other warm weather activities. The winter is spend much the same,.
for work I shovel for my grandparents and people in town. As for play I am a very good.
snowboarder and spend muc of my winter hitting jumps and working on new tricks. However, I.
do tend to cross-country ski and snowshoe several time though out the season.