My fellow farmers, I think you are just like me, under the strain of unbearable .
products continuing to fall, how are we to pay back our bank debts? How can .
our way of life survive? .
I would submit to you that the Democrats, lead by Mr. William Jennings Bryan, .
has polices that can help us. With a combination of free-silver money policy, .
lower tariffs to benefit working-class consumers, income tax on the wealthy and .
a fight against monopolies and trusts, Mr. Bryan can bring our hardship to an .
end. The Republican, on the other hand, seek polices that will benefit the .
wealthy at the expense of bankrupting the hardworking farmers of America. .
Take money issue for example. The gold standard has restricted the amount of .
money in our economy which is responsible for the general appreciation of the .
value of money and thus, the falling prices of farm commodities. At the same .
time, this money appreciation has also caused our debt burden to increase. Mr. .
William Jennings Bryan's free coinage of sliver would expand the amount of .
money in circulation and counteract the phenomenon that I have described. With .
more money in circulation, inflations will drive farm prices up while making .
our debt cheaper to pay back. .
My dear fellow farmers, I caution you against the Republicans who favor the .
gold standard. They would like nothing better than to foreclose on our .
farms. Nothing better expresses our contempt for the Republicans than Bryan's .
?not to press down thiscrown of thorns? on labor's head?.
Also, let us turn our attention to the issue of taxation. The Democrats? tax .
policy would distribute tax burdens equally among Americans. This is plain .
fair and American. The Republicans would have you believe that we should give .
the rich a tax break so that the rich can spend to pull our country out of our .
current economic crisis. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, .
the rich will save and not spend most of their tax savings.