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             Middle Kingdom: 2061-1784 B.C/Second Intermediate Period 1633-1570.
             The accession in 2060 B.C. of Mentuhotep II of Thebes the first pharaoh of the Middle.
             Kingdom, ended 90 years of conflict with a dynasty established a Herakleopolis, south of.
             Memphis. This strong Eleventh Dynasty ruler restored order in Egypt. He drove the.
             Asiatics from the delta and campaigned against the Libyans and nomadic tribes in the Sinai.
             and the eastern desert. Trade also expanded to Nubia, Syria and Palestine under his reign. .
             Mentuhotep II reigned for 50 years and was buried at Deir el-Bahri. Under the reign of.
             Sesostris II (1897-1878 B.C) huge irrigation works were built at the oasis at.
             Faiyum. Sesostris III (1878-1843) expanded Egypt's southern border to the second.
             cataract. .
             At such times of powerful rulers, Egypt was governed by an efficient administration. .
             Taxation provided much of the wealth and was carefully organized. A census of fields and.
             of all cattle was taken every two years. In addition to tax calculation and collection,.
             another important official function was the building up reserves of grain stocks to prevent.
             famine after a bad harvest. The state controlled all foreign trade and owned the mines and.
             After the end of the Thirteenth Dynasty in 1633 B.C Egypt fell into another period of.
             decline known as the second intermediate period. During this period Egypt was divided.
             into four areas: the southern area ruled by 17th dynasty Theban rulers, the central area.
             that owed allegiance to Thebes, the 15th and 16th dynasties or the Hyksos that ruled most.
             of the delta and the 14th dynasty that ruled a small are in the delta.
             The Hyksos identity is not known and there was no evidence that they invaded Egypt. .
             This suggest that there takeover was peaceful as a result of their increased population in.
             the delta. During the middle kingdom the Hyksos were employed by the state of Egypt to.
             mine in the Sinai mines and in Egypt itself.

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