determination from everyone, and that is what makes America a proud nation.
In an article entitled, "Boms Punish Al-Qaeda," in the York Daily Record Newspaper, President .
Bush expresses his feelings on the ongoing war against Al-Qaeda. "On October 7, 2001, American and .
British forces unleashed punishing air strikes against military targets and Osama bin Laden's training camps .
inside Afghanistan, aiming at terrorists blamed for the September 11 attacks that murdered thousands in .
Aimee Kintzel.
MWF 12:00.
New York and in Washington"(Espo 1A). While Tomahawk cruise missiles and bombs found targets .
halfway around the world, President Bush spoke to the nation from the White House. Bush spoke, "we will .
not waver, we will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail"(Espo 1A). President Bush seems very .
determined to bring the culprit of September 11 to rest. He is a very outspoken, caring man who wants this .
war to end. But there is always two sides to a war and on the other side, unfortunately, is Osama bin Laden. .
In a chilling threat Osama bin Laden vowed definately that, "neither America nor the people who live in it .
will dream of security before we live it in Palenstine, and not before all the infidel armies leave the land of .
Muhammad"(Espo 1A). Bush gave the final go-ahead for the strike on October 6, 2001, just four weeks .
after terrorists flew two hijacked airplanes into the World Trade Center twin towers, the third into the .
Pentagon, and the fourth in southwestern Pa. Bush said, "the military action was designed to clear the .
way for sustained, comprehensive and relentless operations," to bring the terrorists to justice (Espo 1A). .
The York Daily Record Newspaper states that, "the initial strike involved fifty Tomahawk missiles, .
launched from American and British ships. General Richard Myers said fifteen bombers and twenty-five .
strike aircraft, both sea and land-based, also were involved.