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Drug Trafficking

             was George Jung. George worked with Pablo Escobar. George is famous for saying, "if.
             you snorted cocaine in the late 1970s or early 1980s there was a 85% chance it came from.
             us. (2)" They invented the market place for cocaine, because it was new to the American.
             public. This enabled them to charge as much as they wanted for the "white gold" In the.
             1980s market value for a kilogram brick of cocaine was from $12,000 to $35,000 (4).
             George Jung and his network of traffickers netted $10,000 per kilo, with $1,000 going to.
             the pilots (2). George usually transported 300-400 kilos of Pablo Escobar's cocaine and.
             made more than $3 million for each run (3). Over the course of his career George made.
             $100 million dollars (3). Smuggling is simply the "get rich quick" job, and many become.
             pulled in too far before they can escape.
             My plan of action for the National Security Council to resolve the.
             international problem of drug trafficking aims to make a safer environment for all.
             involved in the industry. There is no way to eradicate the entire industry. People will.
             always have the urge to use drugs, and go to unthinkable means to acquire them. The first.
             step to be implemented would be to pass legislation in the United State's House and.
             Senate to legalize the use of drugs. After using drugs becomes legal there will be no need.
             for traffickers. This reduces the crime involved with the process and the high profits that.
             make it so attractive. The second step would be to make it illegal for anyone to grow or.
             sell drugs in the United States. Citizens could obtain drugs from specialty stores, such as.
             the way the liquor industry is run. This would drive dealers off the streets and also reduce.
             the number of crimes people commit to obtain drugs. Manufacturing facilities would also.
             stay in those drug producing countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Colombia, and Peru.
             to keep their economies afloat. The third step would again involved the federal.

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